Bob Franklin and Dave Engelman in Foursome by Norm Foster, October 2014.
Past Productions
Come Down from Up River. A Comedy by Norm Foster, Directed by Bob Franklin (Feb 9 - 17, 2024) Cast: Dana Cheshire, Larisa Washington, and David Skeen
Lunenberg. A Comedy by Norm Foster, Directed by Patrick Williams (May 10 - 21, 2024) Cast: Lisa Fountain, Karla Fischbach, TJ Reissner
The Story of Tonight, A Music Revue (Oct 20 - 28, 2023) featuring Devon Hampton, Lisa Fountain, Whitney McDonald, Brad King, Patrick Williams, and introducing TJ Reissner. David Brown was the conductor, and Bob Franklin was the emcee.
Almost, Maine. A Romantic Comedy by John Cariani, Directed by Patrick Williams (April 2023). Cast: Garrett Maroney, Whitney McDonald, Chelsea Glass, and Jonathan Cook
All That Matters, A Musical Revue (January 6-13, 2023)
Kiss the Moon, Kiss the Sun. A Comedy by Norm Foster, Directed by Bob Franklin (October 2022). Cast: Brad King, Garrett Maroney, Betsy Wilson Mahoney, Meredith Boyland and David Werth.
Jonas and Barry in the Home, A Comedy by Norm Foster, directed by Pat Williams. (April 2022) Featuring James Raby, Ed Janostak, and Frances Farrar Fields
Love and Sorrow, A Musical Revue (January 7-16, 2020). Featuring Billy Bernard, Brad King, Patrick Williams, Lisa Fountain, and Devon Hampton.
The Death of Me and My Narrator, Two One-Acts Comedies by Norm Foster, (October 1 -12, 2019)
The Death of Me was directed by Patrick Williams and featured Katie Duke and Ed Janostak.
My Narrator was directed by Lisa Fountain and featured Katelynn Chason and Chapman Richards.
The Ladies' Foursome, A Comedy by Norm Foster, (May 14- 28, 2019). Directed by Patrick Williams. Cast: Lisa Fountain, Lori Comshaw, Chrissey Miller and Sophie Plowright.
Show Tunes, Standards, and All That Jazz, A Musical Revue (January 14-February 1, 2019)
The Gentleman Clothier, A Comedy by Norm Foster (October 14-27, 2018)
Mending Fences, A Comedy by Norm Foster, (April 16 - 28, 2018)
Songs Through the Decades, A Musical Review, (January 15 - 27, 2018)
Jacques' Lake, A Comedy by Kristen Da Silva, (October 16-28, 2017)
Looking, A Comedy by Norm Foster, (July 17 - 29, 2017)
Bedtime Stories, A Comedy by Norm Foster, (April 19 - 29, 2017)
Book Club, A Comedy by Kristen Da Silva (January 18 - 28, 2017)
Songs for Sweethearts, A Musical Revue (October 19 - 28, 2016)
The Melville Boys, A Dramatic Comedy by Norm Foster (July 17-30, 2016)
The Great Kooshog Lake Hollis McCauley Fishing Derby, A Comedy by Norm Foster, (April 11-23, 2016)
Gershwin and Porter and Kern (and more), A Musical Review, (January 24-February 6, 2016)
Baggage, A comedy by Sam Bobrick (October 25-November 7, 2015)
The Love List, A Comedy by Norm Foster (July 31-August 14, 2015)
Here on the Flight Path, A Comedy by Norm Foster (April 17- May 8, 2015)
Hilda’s Yard, A Comedy by Norm Foster (January 21 - 31, 2015)
Broadway Blues, A Musical Review (November 12 - 21, 2014)
The Foursome, A Comedy by Norm Foster (October 5 - 14, 2014)
Joe Woodward, Meredith Boyland, and Devon Hampton in Bookclub by Kristen Da Silva, January 2017.
Jerry West, Jason Latimer and Garrett Maroney in Jacques’ Lake by Kristen Da Silver, October, 2017